Published on Tuesday, February 25th, 2020 by

CHPA Member Convido Corporate Housing Recommits to the Rainforest Trust

Convido Corporate Housing, Australia’s leading corporate accommodation provider, reaffirmed its commitment to the global Rainforest Trust this month, the not-for-profit organisation founded to purchase and protect threatened tropical forests all over the world.

Convido Corporate Housing Chairman, Chris Miller, said the sponsorship was a meaningful way for the organisation to give back to the community, particularly given the location of Convido’s offices in Australia and the Philippines, where rainforests play a vital role in the local ecosystems.

Globally, rainforests are some of Earth’s most important natural resources. They safely store billions of tons of carbon, helping ward off climate change, are home to thousands of unique animals that depend on their protection for survival, and provide doctors and scientists with an unparalleled resource for discovery. Already, one quarter of all medicines are sourced from plants found in the rainforests, and on average, new species are being discovered in rainforests like the Amazon every other day.

“This is the third year Convido has worked with the Rainforest Trust and in that time we have helped to save more than 1000 acres of rainforest, an achievement we are all incredibly proud of,” Mr Miller said.

“Corporate social responsibility forms part of our ethos at Convido, and this partnership, alongside our local community initiatives, is very important to us.”

Mr Miller went on to say that Convido Corporate Housing took corporate social responsibility seriously at both the organisational and the operational level, with ‘duty of care’ playing an important role in the company’s day-to-day activities as well.

“All of our properties are procured from ethical sources, are based in secure locations with compliant security procedures, meet local fire and safety regulations and are compliant with emergency procedures through residential building management,” Miller explained.

“We consider sustainability programs during the selection process as well, taking into account whether the building is setting carbon targets, recycling rainwater and investing in energy renewables, for example.”

Mr Miller said he hoped to increase Convido Corporate Housing’s involvement with the Rainforest Trust in line with business growth.

“With the support of our clients, we hope to become more significant contributors towards the fantastic conservation work the Rainforest Trust carries out,” Mr Miller said.

“When you book an apartment with Convido, you help save the rainforest.”

To find out more about Convido Corporate Housing and book corporate accommodation, visit

To find out more about the Rainforest Trust and make a donation of any size, visit