If you are a corporate housing company or an industry vendor who supports these companies, then membership in the Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA) is right for you! Don’t believe us? Ask some of our members about the value membership brings to their companies.


Membership Categories

CHPA offers the following membership types:

  • Provider – A professionally managed business entity that provides/manages residential-style housing primarily in a fashion that establishes a tenancy relationship and oversees the related ancillary services such as duty of care compliance, housekeeping, utilities, bundled billing, invoicing, direct response to service failures, etc. and receives direct compensation for housing non-employees.
  • Agency – A professionally managed business entity that primarily provides access to residential-style housing through an online platform, partnership arrangement or referral basis that typically does not establish a direct tenancy relationship.
  • Associate Partner – A professionally managed business entity whose business is supplying goods and services to the corporate housing/serviced accommodation industries.
  • Industry Supporter – A professionally managed business entity which does not fall into any of the above categories but serves as stakeholder or interested party to the success of the industry. This includes business entities that interact with the industry but do not, as their primary business model or source of revenue, manage or provide access to residential style housing or provide a service or solution to the industry. Industry Supporter members may serve on committees and task forces but may not serve as a member of the Board of Directors or vote in their election.

If you’re unsure which category you may fall into, give us a call at 317.328.4631 and we’ll be happy to discuss your options with you.

Membership Benefits

Membership in CHPA affords your company and your employees access to sophisticated and practical education, networking across the globe and professional development at your fingertips. CHPA’s mission is to help our members succeed. Your membership provides both your company and employees the ability to do just that. Join today alongside an association promoting professionalism, confidence and success in the corporate housing industry today.

Some of the benefits of your membership include:

  • Education & Events
    • Reduced registration rates for Connect, Small Staff Forum and other in-person events.
    • Free access to live and recorded webinars on a variety of topics related to the industry
    • Host a Network Connection to broaden your company’s recognition while connecting with leading professionals in the industry
    • Reduced testing fees for your employees on the Certified Corporate Housing Professional (CCHP) designation to highlight your employees’ knowledge and mastery in the industry
    • Access example documents, contracts and manuals in CHPA’s Knowledge Center to help you build your company’s procedures
    • Weekly newsletter highlighting important news in the industry
  • Business Intelligence & Development
    • Access to high-level statistics through CHPA Analytics
    • Connect to over 300+ member companies to grow your supply chain and broaden your reach
    • Member-only distribution of your company success through press releases in eNews and on CHPA’s website
    • Highlight your company’s success through CHPA’s Company Accreditation program to give your clients confidence in your business practices
    • Discounts on quality assessment to give your guests confidence in your product
    • Subscribe to CHPA’s Code of Ethics to set your company above the competition by showcasing your strong business practices
    • Annual awards program to highlight the work your company is doing in the industry
  • Legislative Support & Advocacy
    • CHPA fights to support your business interests and the ability for you to operate in your jurisdictions and municipalities; we’ll communicate, educate and advocate on your behalf if proposed legislation impacts your ability to do so

Membership Fees

CHPA membership dues are based on your company’s annual company-wide annual revenue. Please review the table below for the membership fees. You will pay the fee below during your application to activate your first membership cycle (join date through June 30). Your second membership cycle will be prorated upon your company’s renewal based on the month your company joined. Additionally, a portion of your dues below supports the CHPA Legislative Fund.

 Associate Partner/Industry Supporter
 Revenue Range
Annual Dues
 Revenue Range
Annual Dues
 Less than $5 million $1,250  Any $1,300
 $5 million to $15 million $1,700
 $15 million to $49 million $3,000
 $49 million to $100 million $5,375
 $100 million to $200 million $8,750
 More than $200 million $12,000


Additional Membership Fee Information

  • The CHPA membership cycle runs from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Note members joining after March 1 will have their membership extended through the following membership cycle. For example a company joining on March 1, 2023 will have a membership valid through June 30, 2024. 
  • New members pay the first member cycle in full and then pay a prorated rate based on their join month for the second member cycle.
  • All CHPA fees, including dues, are collected in United States dollars. Should your company be based in a country with another currency, your payment(s) will be charged at the current exchange rate if you pay with a method that is not United States dollar.
  • Membership dues are non-refundable.
  • For United States federal income purposes, your CHPA membership dues are deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense to the extent shown below but are not deductible as a charitable contribution. The percentage of your dues that are deductible is available here and is based on your membership type and revenue tier. For those not based in the United States, we recommend checking with your country’s specific laws regarding tax deductions related to trade association membership.

Visibility Packages

CHPA offers additional visibility packages, Silver Key and Gold Key, to all member companies.

Silver Key – $1,000 annually

  • Member company logo will be displayed weekly in the eNews email distributed to CHPA members and employees
  • Advance notification/choice of sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities for annual sponsorships, Annual Conference and Regional Conferences
  • Acknowledgment at all events and on event signage
Gold Key – $2,500 annually

  • All benefits of Silver Key
  • Logo displayed on the CHPA website
  • Logo displayed on the left-side of the CHPA website
  • One-page flyer placed in new member packets
  • Special invitation to the New Member and First-Time Attendee Reception at the Annual Conference
  • Ability to host a short presentation about your company/products at the Annual Conference

If you have questions about membership or whether CHPA is a fit for your company, please contact us at 317.328.4631 or by email at info@chpaonline.org.