Over 90% of Fortune 1,000 companies publish their ESG strategies and results. Programs demonstrating measurable and meaningful environmental and social commitments, as well as good governance, are now core stakeholder requirements when assessing the performance of businesses.
Dwellworks, globally headquartered in Cleveland, OH is the vanguard of ESG within the global mobility industry. Since 2021, they have been committed to an ESG initiative, and have just published the 2022-2023 ESG Impact Report. Download the report here. Dwellworks specializes in services focused on short-term/temporary housing for business travel and relocation, as well as destination services to help professionals and families find a place to live while on a work assignment, along with support services like school search and intercultural training.
Highlights of the report include:
Relocation and business travel are directly associated with ESG. Various researchers attribute the environmental impact of business airline travel as contributing between 2-5% of the earth’s total annual greenhouse gas emissions of 53 billion tons of carbon. Add in temporary housing stays, hotel stays, air, sea and overland shipment of goods, plus local area tours for renting and home buying, and the carbon cost of relocation quickly accelerates.
Before the pandemic, tens of thousands of global professionals were on the move every year. Post pandemic, the industry is re-examining the diversity of who is deployed for travel and relocation, and how to implement sustainable and equitable practices within topics like duty of care, employment practices, and modes of transportation.
Regarding Dwellworks leadership in ESG, CEO Bob Rosing states, “We aligned early with Worldwide ERC® (WERC), European Relocation Association (EuRA), Corporate Housing Providers Association (CHPA), and the Coalition for Greener Mobility in defining opportunities for measurable, meaningful carbon footprint reductions. Our company goals are to simplify, optimize and grow. This strategy is consistent with the people, planet, and prosperity goals of leading organizations worldwide.”
Adds Maura Carey, ESG Program Lead, “For any organization interested developing programs to support ESG we invite you to download and review our 2022-2023 ESG Impact Report. Every company will have its own path, but we hope the report will provide a useful blueprint for program design, as well as an overview of Dwellworks ESG goals, performance, and progress.”
Dwellworks LLC, headquartered in Cleveland, OH provides destination services and temporary living solutions for the globally mobile workforce and business travelers worldwide. Visit our website at dwellworks.com, learn about our services for corporate travel and relocation at dwellworksliving.com, and read our blogs to learn how we can help with relocation and business travel needs.