In response to COVID-19, corporate housing companies are adopting new cleaning and disinfecting procedures to ensure guest safety. This commitment to duty of care is a key differentiator in our industry, and it’s never been more critical.
In this 40-minute podcast, you will hear:
Futurist Brian David Johnson discuss the COVID-19 pandemic
CHPA CEO Mary Ann Passi provide stats from the latest CHPA survey on what companies are doing to keep guests safe
Dan DeClerico of HomeAdvisor discuss how service providers must adapt to new expectations when servicing residential spaces
Robyn Joliat of RESIDE Worldwide detail the new cleaning procedures put into place by her company, as well as how these changes are communicated to guests, clients and supply chain partners
Mark Strumwasser, CCHP, of Sunshine Rentals outline steps to ensure cleaning products are being used appropriately and effectively
Four things you can do to now to adopt new cleaning procedures and demonstrate your duty of care
Make sure your cleaning products are doing what you think they’re doing. Adjust processes and procedures to ensure they’re being used correctly and effectively.
Think about the person inside the unit.
Guests may be fearful to be in new places. As part of your duty of care, think about how to minimize these fears to help your guests, their families and their companies be more comfortable and secure in your units.
Communicate and share your new policies and procedures. Let guests and clients know how you’re keeping them safe.
Think about sustainability.
New cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting procedures are detailed and time-consuming. Make sure they’re sustainable so that when operations scale back up, you can continue adhering to these new processes.
Get comfortable with things you never did before.
This pandemic has caused our previous systems to collapse–giving us an opportunity to build newer, better, more efficient systems.
Consider your digital presence. People are looking for instant answers, and quickly adopting new technology. Make sure you are able to meet them where they are–and today, that’s online.
Questions, concerns or comments on the Navigating the Noise podcast or trends impacting our industry? We want to hear from you! Contact us with your questions so we can address them in upcoming Navigating the Noise materials.