Despite the pandemic, the serviced apartment sector has continued to grow its share of corporate accommodation spend.
15% of UK businesses increased their overall use of serviced apartments during 2021.
52% of corporates and 60% of TMCs say their use of serviced apartments for relocation purposes has increased since 2020.
This trend is set to continue, according to the newly published Global Serviced Apartment Industry Report 2022 (GSAIR), with 9% of companies having added non-hotel accommodation options to their travel programmes since Covid struck.
Other top-line findings from the 45,000-word report include:
Originally launched in 2008 by The Apartment Service (TAS) and compiled by Travel Intelligence Network (TIN), GSAIR is an annual compilation of industry insights, data, and expert commentaries on the serviced apartment and corporate housing market.
This year’s edition is the first since TAS was acquired by Habicus Group in September 2021 and has been a collaborative effort between TAS, TIN, and SilverDoor Apartments.
The 2022 edition once again brings together the latest data from recognised industry sources, along with first-hand research conducted amongst corporate buyers, intermediaries, and operators.
This year’s GSAIR includes interviews with over 70 industry professionals, including articles on topics ranging from Alternative Accommodation Models and Is Accreditation Important? to an update on global supply and the top 15 serviced apartment brands.
Group CEO, Stuart Winstone, said:
“Before we acquired The Apartment Service, we regarded GSAIR as a jewel in their crown, so we are delighted to bring the report into the SilverDoor family. We have exciting plans for GSAIR and look forward to ensuring the report continues to meet the needs of clients and partners alike.”
To celebrate the launch of this year’s GSAIR, a round-table seminar and wellness breakfast was held on Thursday 30th June at South Place Hotel, London. The event included a presentation of key GSAIR findings, hosted workshops, and a facilitated discussion where guests posed questions to a panel of serviced accommodation industry experts comprised of
For more details, or to register for a free digital copy of the GSAIR report, contact or visit our website.
For press enquiries please contact Acting Group Head of Marketing, Victoria Jackson, on +44 (0)20 8090 8094 or email
SilverDoor Apartments is the world’s most trusted provider of serviced apartments for business travel. We bring together an inventory of over 2,000 property operators into one easy to manage relationship.
Our team of experts source accommodation exclusively for corporate clients and utilise their wealth of experience to find the most suitable options and secure the best rates.
Our industry-leading technology perfectly supports our unparalleled service model. Orbi, our intelligent online booking tool, offers our clients a unique range of features and functions, providing a complete and seamless experience.
All nine editions of GSAIR to date have been compiled by Travel Intelligence Network, specialists in creating unique content for travel, accommodation, and meeting brands.
TIN draws on 30 years of accumulated industry knowledge, contacts and understanding to devise strategies that help our clients stand out from the crowd.
Since 2005, TIN has written and compiled over 300 content pieces including blogs, webinars, white papers, and industry reports, as well as shaping content for over 20 conferences and award events.
Smart ideas and delivering maximum Return on Investment are the consultancy’s guiding principles: view them at TIN’s website.